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Results for the Palm Reading Free Quiz

The results presented here provide answers to a free quiz offered on another page of this website. If you arrived on this page directly from a search engine, and are interested in doing the quiz, go to this page before reading the results.

First Print

About the First Print

Let's start with the free quiz results for the first print.

1. Which fingers have spatulate, square, or conic fingertips?

Thumb and forefinger: conic
Other fingers: spatulate

2. How would these shapes be reflected in the different areas of this person's life?

This person will tend to be artistic. She is more fussy deep down (thumb). How she appears in society (forefinger) is also very important to her.

She will show more enthusiasm and spontaneity in her sense of discrimination (middle finger), her desire to share (ring finger) and her communications (baby finger).

3. How is the angle of the thumb with the rest of the hand? What does it mean?

The angle of her thumb is less than 45°. Therefore, she is afraid of life and of the challenges she has to face.

4. How wide are the bottom phalanges of the fingers on the whole hand? How important is the body to this person?

Very often, the bottom phalanges of the middle finger and the ring finger only appear in part, since these fingers deal with areas that mostly pertain to the mind (sense of discrimination and self-reliance/sharing). On this print, the bottom phalanges are relatively balanced. The person is not overly concerned with her body.

Second Print

About the Second Print

Now that you have an idea of how you can analyze hands, let's look at the free quiz results for the second print, and ask the same questions.

1. Which fingers have spatulate, square, or conic fingertips?

Thumb: between conic and spatulate
Forefinger: between square and spatulate
Other fingers: definitely spatulate

2. How would these shapes be reflected in the different areas of this person's life?

Deep down (thumb), he is artistic but because the fingertips are not purely conic, he is not as finicky as the person of the first print.

Regarding his role in society (forefinger), he is spontaneous and inventive but also more disciplined than if the fingertip was purely spatulate.

In the other areas of discrimination, sharing and communications, he is enthusiastic and broad-minded.

3. How is the angle of the thumb with the rest of the hand? What does it mean?

The angle of his thumb is about 45°, which mean that he is able to express himself freely without being overbearing.

4. How wide are the bottom phalanges of the fingers on the whole hand? How important is the body to this person?

As in the previous case, the bottom phalanges of the middle finger and the ring finger only appear in part, but they are still relatively balanced. The person is not overly concerned with his body.

Additional information about these two people

Here is some more information about the two prints and their owners:

On the first print, the lines are broken everywhere, they are going in many different directions, some of them are double. All this looks like a very confused electrical network. Can you feel how this person's brain behaves?

Number one is a woman, divorced, unemployed, living with her three children in a small apartment, while trying to cope with childhood trauma issues. She is totally overwhelmed. You can see the confusion of her life reflected in her hands.

The second print is quite the opposite. It is very easy to see where the lines go. They are continuous and harmonious and there are only a few of them. This print suggests that we are dealing with someone much more peaceful than the first one.

Number two is a man working as a computer programmer, living alone in a big house where he can enjoy playing the piano anytime he wants. His peaceful hands show his peaceful lifestyle.

These two sample analyses are just meant to show you how a quick look at someone's hands can actually provide a lot of information about his or her personality and life.

If you would like to know what your own hands reveal, try a Hand Reading Session.