Charlie Sheen
Film and Television Actor

Charlie Sheen's left hand
Much has been said, written and gossiped about Charlie Sheen over the last few years, and I wanted to see whether his hands would give me some clues. They did!
Charlie’s hands are full of energy and resilience, which has been extremely useful in helping him become a movie star. They are especially wide in the Mars area, which could lead to aggressiveness.
The middle finger, bent towards the ring finger, brings high levels of anxiety and tension. He knows what he wants but is uncertain about how to get there. In his childhood, he may have heard double messages – such as “Be quiet!” and “Why aren’t you talking?” – and he is never sure how to behave.
Just like most people in show business, Charlie Sheen has a long ring finger, making him very charismatic. For years, he has been a popular actor both in film and television.

Charlie Sheen's right hand
The most problematic aspect of his hands seems to be his head line, especially on his right – active –hand. Instead of running uninterrupted across the hand, it is short, broken and split. The splitting between two branches happens around the age of 20-25, when he starred in
Platoon and
Wall Street. This seems to be the time when he started to live two lives, one very successful career and a hidden life relying heavily on alcohol, drugs and sex.

Right hand - Detail
Then one of the two branches ends abruptly around 42-46, which is when he became more infamous than famous. A short head line is usually focused on the tangible world and denotes a short-term vision of life.
On his hand, there are also two vertical lines of destiny, which could be taking over the weak head line at that time, but this is difficult to see without clear prints. Time will tell.
Another interesting feature is his low-set baby finger. This formation often indicates sexual immaturity and inappropriate behavior. Combined with the difficult head line, this feature could explain why Charlie was living with two women – his “goddesses” – and almost seemed to enjoy the bad press surrounding his actions.

Martin Sheen's right hand
Out of curiosity, I had a look at the hands of two family members: his father, Martin Sheen, actor and anti-war activist, and his brother, Emilio Estevez, actor and director, who haven’t shared the same problems. Could it happen to them too?

Emilio Estevez's right hand
I don’t think so. Both Martin and Emilio have long and clear head lines. The length allows them to look beyond the immediate and to have a broader picture of life, therefore avoiding behaviors them may regret later. The steadiness of the line indicates a coherent mental picture, clear of distraction or confusion. And the slight curve of the line gives them a flexible and adaptable mind. So, Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez are not likely to attract scandals.
As for Charlie, if he is able to apply his charisma and talent to better goals, he can easily turn his life around, but it all depends on him. Good luck, Charlie!