Hand Reflexology
A Great Complement to Hand Reading
I am often asked whether I combine hand reflexology with hand reading. Actually, I don't, but I highly recommend a Hand Massage to improve the different areas of your life by massaging the corresponding mounts on your hands.
Hand reflexology is a great complement to hand reading because it has a direct effect on the body, as opposed to the mind and soul.
Many people - and I am one of them - tend to associate reflexology with the feet only, but it actually applies to both feet and hands. According to www.reflexology-research.com, reflexology is the practice of applying pressure to the feet and hands utilizing specific thumb, finger and hand techniques without the use of oil, cream or lotion. It is based on a system of zones and reflex areas that reflect an image of the body on the feet and hands with a premise that such work effects a physical change in the body.
Thanks to the wonderful book "Complete Reflexology for Life" by Barbara and Kevin Kunz, I have identified a few areas on which you may want to use hand reflexology, if you have one of the conditions described below. Those spot massages should be performed several times during one session, and repeated 3-4 times a day.
Allergies, such as hay fever, can be relieved by pressing gently several times on the adrenal gland area, which is on what I call the mount of Venus. You can also hold a golf ball and roll it with both hands on this area.
Anxiety and Tension
Two good spots to press would be the adrenal gland area - explained above - as well as the solar plexus area: using two fingers, pinch the webbing area between your thumb and the rest of the hand (Mars negative area.)
If you have an eye problem such as conjonctivitis or eyestrain, pinch the area located between the middle finger and the ring finger (between the mounts of Saturn and Sun).
Sore Throat
Press the adrenal gland area, as explained under "Allergies."
Press the adrenal gland area, as explained under "Allergies."
Stomach Ache
Roll a golf ball between your hands, pressing on the stomach area, which covers part of the Venus mount and the center of the hand (Rahu).
Constipation and Flatulence
Roll a golf ball between your hands, pressing on the colon and small intestine areas, which cover the lower zone of the mounts of Venus and Luna.
Diabetes and Low Blood Sugar
Roll a golf ball between your hands, pressing on the pancreas area, which covers the lower part of Rahu and a "slice" of Venus.
Uterus or Prostate Conditions
Press on a spot located on top of your wrist, on the thumb side.
Ovary or Testicle Conditions
Press on a spot located on top of your wrist, on the baby finger side
This information is just a brief sample of what can be accomplished with hand reflexology. For more information of this topic, you may want to read "Complete Reflexology for Life."