Media Appearances
Ann Rohmer talking about relationships and palmistry on "Breakfast Television" with Frédérique Herel - March, 2000
Ann Rohmer and Frédérique Herel
Interview by Christine Frances on "Ask Your Angels Talk Show" - March, 2012
Christine Frances interviewing Frédérique Herel
Since this is a very long interview (almost two hours), you may want to go directly to the topics identified below. Just move the time slide to the sections you want:
- 0:30 - What is palmistry?
- 2:50 - What is my story?
- 4:05 - How to study palmistry?
- 5:04 - Recommended books
- 6:28 - Difference between right hand and left hand
- 8:00 - Does size matter? (Hand size, of course!)
- 9:20 - Hand shape
- 10:30 - Palm lines and mounts
- 16:40 - Reasons for taking prints
- 21:00 - What happens during a reading?
- 25:35 - Palmistry vs. fortune-telling (predictions)
- 29:00 - Timelines
- 30:12 - Case study - Switching from right to left hand
- 36:10 - Finding your soul mate
- 40:50 - Case study - Differences between left and right
- 45:50 - What about hand transplants?
- 47:35 - Can your life line determine how long you will live?
- 51:36 - Case study - Are we compatible?
- 57:45 - The quadrangle: The "landing strip of the angels"
- 59:55 - The Girdle of Venus
- 1:03:50 - Case study - Nervousness seen on the hand
- 1:11:43 - Case study - Stress level seen on the hand
- 1:17:25 - Can palmistry can help you track mental progress?
- 1:19:34 - How to find a good palmist?
- 1:21:00 - Case study - Before and After prints
- 1:27:00 - Gandhi - Short index finger
- 1:31:14 - The Dalai Lama - Long head line going down
- 1:33:55 - Princess Diana - Long index finger and bent thumb
- 1:38:40 - Mother Teresa - Flexible thumbs and good Venus mounts
- 1:43:00 - Long-distance palmistry
Radio interview with Lisa Ouellet on "Empowering Your Soul" Talk Show, on September 26, 2014

Lisa Ouellet's Comments: "I wanted to thank you so much for your kind words and your support. You have been a fantastic guest and I truly was excited to have you on and I'm so glad that we connected!
I heard back from both Naomi and Patti whose palms you read on the show. Naomi said OMG she's going to definitely stop biting her fingernails and she might be in contact for further session with you. Patti also said that you were 100% dead on and nailed her exactly!! Great work!!!"
Case Studies and Articles
- Career Personality Test
- Hand Reflexology
- The Life Line
- Royal Weddings
- Self Diagnosis based on your Fingers
- Test your Palm Reading Skills
- Fingernail Health
- Can You Change your Life?
- How to Read Fingernails
- The Three Major Lines
- Compatibility: not a sure thing
- Your spouse can influence your hands
- Hands in Ancient Sculpture
- Opposites attract... at first!
- Losing a Finger
- Are your thumbs compatible?
- Hand Exercises
- Create your future, don't predict it
- More Articles